A little more about me...

Photos by Laurinda owner and photographer

Hi there...

Thanks for staying to have a little look around here. I'm Laurinda, and if you decide we would be a great fit, I'm the one who'll be taking your photos. I'm a mum to three, a Defence spouse of 24 years and a special needs mum. I'm definitely a home body and love down time with my family.

When my children were very small I was inspired to start documenting our life through photography by taking a photo a day for a year. It really highlighted how quickly our little people grow and change over a short amount of time and how easy change is to miss when our lives are so full of distractions as we busy our way through to another bedtime.

I didn't want to forget what life felt like at each stage of childhood. I continued taking photos and putting together a family album at the end of each year and have done for the last 12 years! I was no photographer back then but it sparked a joy within me and photography became something outside of motherhood that filled my cup.

Three siblings standing in beautiful afternoon sunlight captured by Photos by Laurinda

I started seeking out courses and invested in education to learn all I could from amazing photography and business mentors so that I could help other busy families beautifully preserve their current stage of family life.

Now, aside from chasing my own kids around with the camera, there is nothing I love more than working with other families to really focus on what matters most and preserve beautiful family memories forever.