I'm Laurinda, a defence wife of 25 years, mum to three busy kids, and a special needs mum. I'm definitely a home body and love down time with my family. I dream of being a minimalist, I love a good book, a hot cup of tea and heading off anywhere in our caravan (I completely loath the packing and the unpacking - but it's great when we're there!!)
When my kids were very small I was inspired to start documenting what our days looked like through photography by taking a photo a day for a year. It wasn't long before I could see how fast the kids were growing and changing and how our little routines (that felt so mundane at the time!) changed over a short amount of time. These little changes were so easy to miss as I busied my way through to another bedtime. Even though every day felt the same, looking back over the months I was amazed to see the changes that had actually been occuring.
This spurred me on and I continued taking photos and putting together a family album at the end of each year and have done this for the last 12 years! I was no photographer back when I started but it sparked a joy within me and photography became my thing, something that filled my cup creatively while working hand in hand with my motherhood journey.
I started seeking out courses and invested in education to learn all I could from amazing photography and business mentors so that I could help other busy families beautifully preserve their current stage of family life. Because even though the days can be long, nothing lasts forever and with my eldest turning 16 this year, when you look back their childhoods they really are over in the blink of an eye.
Now, aside from still chasing my own kids around with the camera, there is nothing I love more than preserving memories for other busy families. So that when your kids are grown and you wonder where the years went, you have beautiful images to take you back to exactly what right now feels like.